Following Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Telugu actor Mahesh Babu is preparing for his upcoming movie SSMB28 with director Trivikram Srinivas. After 12 years, these two are working together on a movie, and fans can’t wait to see it. However, during the past several days, reports have surfaced suggesting that the super star Mahesh Babu is not entirely satisfied with the full script of SSMB28.
According to the latest Tollywood reports, there are widespread rumors that Mahesh Babu thinks that Trivikram Srinivas isn’t giving much attention to his movie. The Telugu actor now regrets agreeing to work on this film before hearing the full script of SSMB28.
Here is the good news for Mahesh Babu fans. After having a friendly discussion between Trivikram and Mahesh babu, all the issues between them are resolved. Mahesh babu is totally satisfied with the new full script of SSMB28 and the team is planning to start the second schedule by this month’s end, heroine will also join the same schedule. The film is expected to release on August 2023. The date is yet to be confirmed.
Mahesh Babu and Pooja Hegde will work together on Trivikram Srinivas’ SSMB28. This will be the second time the two will be sharing screens after Vamsi Paidipally’s Maharshi. The team had a one-month program set, but the Mahesh Babu changed the fight master Anbariv completely.
The soundtrack for this movie will be composed by SS Thaman, while Navin Nooli will be in charge of the editing. The film is scheduled to release on April 28, 2023. and the SSMB28 film is being produced under the Haarika & Haasini creations banner.
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