
Do you know how much income celebrities Earn in Instagram

Instagram – Advertising is taking a new direction. They are doing more business on social media than on TV and Newspapers. Cine and sports celebrities who are having millions of followers on social media accounts are earning millions from advertisements. They are earning through promoting the brands on their social media platform through posts. However, they are hesitating to say that they are paid promotions.

Following the ASCI Rules and Regulations, many celebrities are posting on their posts with the tag ‘Paid Promotion’ or Advertising. According to the guidelines of the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) which will come into force from June 14, 2021, promotional posts in terms of money or any other transaction must be tagged as paid promotion or advertisement.

Hoppers have released a list of the top 30 highest-Paid global celebrities who earning from Instagram posts. In this, Star Cricketer Virat Kohli from India is ranked 19th rank in the world. Not only in the game Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli is doing well in earnings also. He is the only cricketer on Instagram who is earning more in the lockdown period through his posts.

According to through Survey Virat Kohli is in 6th position in World in terms of earnings through Instagram. He earns around Rs 5 crore per post. Priyanka Chopra is ranked 27th on the list after Kohli. She is earning Rs 3 crore from each post.

Top Celebrities earning money in Instagram

celebrities earning in instagram
celebrities earning in instagram

Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo continues to top the Instagram charts with Rs 17 crore 24 lakhs. Argentine superstars Lionel Messi (Rs 11.50 crore) and Neymar (Rs 10.53 crore) are in second and third place respectively.

Cristiano Ronaldo became the first billionaire in football. He became the first footballer to achieve this feat in team sports. Ronaldo earned Rs 793 crore last year. He is the third player to join the billion-dollar club.

Kohli recently posted approving a private university. But it does not have the tag of the paid post. With this, Virat Kohli was badly trolled on social media. The ASCI sent a notice. Virat then edited the post and tagged it as ‘Paid Post’.

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