Tuck Jagadish – Natural star Nani’s latest movie “Tuck Jagadish” is a family and action entertainer. Directed by Shiva Nirvana, the film was produced by Sahu Garapati-Harish Paddy under the banner Shine Screens. This movie is planned to release on 27th April but it is postponed due to Covid’s second wave condition. Since then, there is enthusiasm about the release of this movie.
Meanwhile, there has been a lot of hype that ‘Tuck Jagdish’ will be released on the OTT platform by the directors. But this News was denied a couple of times by the film crew. Now that the theatres are opened fans are waiting eagerly for the movie release date but there is no information from the filmmakers about the release date. In this situation, there is a talk in the industrial unit that the OTT deal for this movie is closed. This time, however, the makers neither deny it nor agreed to it.
Tuck Jagadish Movie Poster
But now some news is circulated in social media that the famous OTT platform Amazon Prime got rights for this movie and the release date is also fixed. Amazon paid a huge amount to get rights for Nani’s Tuck Jagadish movie. This movie is going to stream on Prime in the month of September as a gift of Vinayaka chavithi. The film is expected to release on September 10. There will be an official announcement on August 20 according to the post on social media.
You have to wait until the official announcement from makers regarding movie release either it is going to release on Big screen or on OTT? We all know that Nani’s 25th movie ‘V’ was released on the OTT platform in Corona lockdown last year.
Tuck Jagadish is the second movie in the combination of director Shiva Nirvana and Nani. Previously they both worked for Ninnukori movie which is one of the biggest hits in Nani’s career. In Tuck Jagdish’s movie Rituvarma – Aishwarya Rajesh acted as the heroine. Jagapathi Babu – Nazar – Daniel Balaji – Priyadarshi – Thiruveer – Rohini – Praveen played other roles. Thaman composed the music and Prasad Moorella provided the cinematography. Praveen Pudi did the editing work.
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