Mahesh’s special updates – Tollywood forever young superstar, prince Mahesh babu is going to turn 46 this year. His fans were excited to celebrate his birthday which is on 9the August. Just as every other year his fans started preparations for his birthday. Profile pics, stories, hashtags, cut-outs…. all set.
But turns out not only his fans but Mahesh is also having some plans for his birthday. As a treat for his fans, he decided to give them some updates on his upcoming movie.
Mahesh’s special updates
Last year, Mahesh made a huge hit with his movie “Sarileru neekevvaru“. Currently, he so working on his upcoming movie “Sarkaru vaari paata”. The direction was being done by Parsuram petla who is known for his work in “Geetha govindam“. Whereas the national film award winner, Keerthi Suresh is going to be the female lead. Together Mythri movie makers, GMB entertainment, 14 reels companies are producing this movie.
Currently, the film is getting shot in Hyderabad. It is expected to release in 2022- Sankranthi. As last year on Mahesh’s birthday they aired prelook, this year they are planning on releasing the first glimpse and a poster.
In addition to this “#SSMB28“‘s opening is being a hot talk. This movie is going to be Mahesh- Trivikram combination. Radha Krishna is producing this movie under the banner of Harika and Hasini Creations. This movie was said to be commercial entertainment which will be in a different dimension. This movie is getting high expectations as the last 2 movies in this combo (Athadu, Khaleja) are blockbusters.
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