Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli – The news on a crazy combination is currently making waves in the Tollywood industry. Director Rajamouli has confirmed that his next film will be with superstar Mahesh Babu. However, expectations were boosted when Rajamouli’s announced this project. Tollywood audiences have been waiting for this combination for many years. Mahesh fans are happy when the whole combo is set. But what kind of film is going to be screened in their combo of Mahesh and Rajamouli ..? is suspense the Industry talks are now underway.
There are some rumors that Rajamouli is going to direct a James Bond-oriented movie with Mahesh. While this is happening, other sources make it clear that Rajamouli is planning to screen a historical film with Mahesh. Because Mahesh has not made a single historical film in his career in an interview, Mahesh said, “If there is a director like Rajamouli, he has no problem acting in a historical film. If not for Rajamouli, I would think of acting in such stories.” Meanwhile, Rajamouli is currently filming an RRR After the completion of the RRR Mahesh and Rajamouli combo is set to go for a regular shoot
Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli
The talk runs that Rajamouli also planned a historical film for Mahesh. Present Rajamouli is currently filming the RRR period film Bahubali is also a historical film. So now many senators say that there are more chances to make a commercial film on social issues. However, Rajamouli has to confirm which of the news is true. The film sources say that Rajamouli will start filming with Mahesh soon after the RRR movie without taking a long gap. Already the pre-production work for Mahesh and Rajamouli movie has also started.
Mahesh Babu is currently working on a film titled ‘Sarkaru Vari Pata’ directed by Parashuram. Later he will make a film under the direction of Trivikram After completion of these two crazy projects, Rajamouli is going to direct a Mahesh. We have to see if Jakkanna will make Mahesh a Pan India star or Pan Asia star ..!
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