Sekhar Kammula is going to create a new trend on Indian Silver Screens by targeting the youth audience with a new story with Kollywood star hero a new crazy movie is coming in the combination of Tollywood director Shekhar Kammula and Kollywood star hero Dhanush. An official statement regarding this unique combination was released a while back, which critics have discussed on Indian Silver Screens as a rare combination.
Sekhar Kammula Join hands With Dhanush
Upcoming Sri Venkateswara Cinema Banners. Narayana Das and Ram Mohan Rao are going to act as the producers. And the film will be released in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi as a trilingual film
With the first straight Telugu movie starring Dhanush, there are cold expectations on this crazy combination. Director Shekhar Kammula has started working on his script as the movie has attracted a large audience. The other star actors, technicians, and the heroine
In this movie will be announced very soon. Meanwhile, it is known that Shekhar Kammula will be screening Love Story with Akkineni Naga Chaitanya. After the completion of the Love Story movie, Shekhar Kammula Dhanush combination movie will go through sets to see how many more predictions this movie will create
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