Mahesh Babu Hollywood Range – Sarkaru Vaari Paata is an upcoming film starring Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu and classic director Parashuram. In this movie, Keerthi Suresh has been paired up with Mahesh babu. The team has already completed the first schedule in Dubai and arrived in India later gave a break to the shooting due to the corona, but now with the corona cases declining the Sarkaru Vaari Paata sets to go on the sets in the second week of July. However, director Parashuram said that some key scenes on Mahesh Babu and Arjun will be screened on Ramoji Film City sets.
Mahesh Babu Hollywood Range
And the latest Buzz is that we all can see Mahesh Babu in the new Avatar and also the action sequences are also going to be lit in this film. So recently this film completed the shooting of action sequences in Dubai. And the fight masters Ram & Laxman are composing fights for this film, recently the fight masters shared a piece of news that the action and fight sequences are going to be loved by not only his fans but by all other Telugu audiences. Based on this, we can expect that there is a Hollywood Range Fights in sarkaru vari pata. This movie starts its next schedule of shoot in next month in Ramoji film city and planning to complete the major portion of its shoot. and this film is produced under the banners of GMB Entertainments, 14 Reels, and Mythri moviemakers.
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